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Supported by Canon Marketing Japan Inc.


坂野充学は、ロンドンでファインアートを学んだ後に帰国、3331 Arts Chiyoda の運営に携わりながら、作家活動を続けてきた。2008年より、伝承をテーマにしたプロジェクトに取り組んできた坂野は、やがて自身が生まれ育った石川県白山市鶴来(旧鶴来町)へとたどり着く。地元の蔵を改修したスタジオを構え、鶴来内外の協力者を募りプロジェクトチームを形成し、実に4 年がかりで完成させたのが本作「VISIBLE BREATH」である。


本作では、村西の語りや伝承、坂野自身のフィールドワークをもとに、古代から現代まで5つの異なる時間軸でそれぞれの物語が展開される。渡来してきた者たち、製鉄文化の伝播、神秘的な自然の変化など、5 つのスクリーンに映し出される物語は「現代/未来」に照応され、ときに呼応しながら進んでいく。豊かな自然に育まれ、また白山信仰のもと海と山を繋ぐ交易の街として栄えてきた鶴来。習わしや文化は受け継がれ、変容し、時を超えていく。その“息づかい”を感じ、営みの軌跡をたどることで、土地、人、時が交わり、重なり合う。それらが織りなす多層的な世界から聞こえてくる息づかいに、私たちは何を想像し、どのような物語を語り継いでいくのだろうか。

※ 村西博二(むらにし・はくじ)

An age at a crossroads, a story of transformation

Since returning to Japan after his studies in Fine Art in London and joining the management of 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Mitsunori Sakano has continued to pursue his artistic practice. Having produced various projects upon the theme of the handing down of tradition since 2008, his trail has led back to his birthplace of Tsurugi (for merly Tsurugicho), Hakusan city in Ishikawa Prefecture. Renovating a local rice store house into a studio and gathering a project team from Tsurugi and beyond, the result of 4 years' work has culminated here in "VISIBLE BREATH".

The local festivals, customs, and culture which pervade everyday life;these elements which have come to saturate our very bodies, and have been naturally accepted - where have they come from? Starting from this question and reaching back into the past, it was during his search for memories of the shaping of the land's culture that he encountered the researcher of folklore Hakuji Muranishi*, bringing a significant impact upon Sakano's creative practice. The stories of this local folklore "researcher" reach beyond Tsurugi to encompass the myths of the whole of Japan, tales of the roots of settlers from overseas, a grand "fiction" taking on a history of several thousand years.

This work, based upon the tales of Muranishi, folklore legends and personal fieldwork, develops a series of stories following through five different ages from the ancient past to the present. Migrant settlers, the spread of the culture of iron production, the changes of a mystic nature; here these stories presented upon 5 screens continue to evolve as they correspond with and at times hail to "present/future". Tsurugi, born of such rich nature, is a trading town which has prospered between the sea and mountains, and which is held sacred in local belief. Customs and culture are inherited, transform and reach beyond time. This 'breath' can be sensed here, and in tracing the trajectory of these workings, the land, people, and time itself builds layer upon layer. And in that breath, woven from a multilayered world, what is it that we imagine, and what form of story shall we continue to tell?

* Hakuji Muranishi
Folklore researcher and resident of Tsurugi, Hakusan, Ishikawa Prefecture. Muranishi is engaged in the research of the Noto peninsula, rich in its colourful continental culture, the local Hakusan beliefs which defined an age, and local ancient history. His pursuits introduce local history, culture, nature, traditions, folklore and industry, engaging in an activity which sets out to activate the area both spiritually and economically.


1977年、石川県生まれ。アーティスト、映像ディレクター。イーストロンドン大学ファインアート科卒業。3331 Arts Chiyoda の共同設立に参加。現在はコミュニケーションディレクターとして同館の企画• 運営に携わる。近年は、特定の場所で地域住民と共同制作をし、そのプロセスを通してできた関係性や出来事を、映像やインスタレーションといった表現媒体に構築するプロジェクトを行なっている。主な個展に2007年「BEEP DEEP BEEP」(プロジェクトスペースKANDADA、東京)、主なグループ展に2009年「A Starting Point : Intrude Art & Life 366」( 上海証大現代美術館、上海)、2010年「Spontaneous Order」( Takuro Someya Contemporary Art、東京)など。

Mitsunori Sakano
Born in 1977, Ishikawa Prefecture. Artist, film director. Graduated from the Department of Fine Art, University of East London. Having engaged in the management and production of various film projects and joining the activities of the artist initiative commandN, he also came to be one of the establishing members of 3331 Arts Chiyoda, where he now holds the position of Communications Director. Major solo exhibitions include "BEEP DEEP BEEP" (Project Space KANDADA, Tokyo, 2007). Major group exhibitions include "A Starting Point: Intrude Art & Life 366"(Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, 2008),"Spontaneous Order"(Takuro Someya Contemporary Art, Tokyo, 2010), "- The Ultimate Time Lapse Megamix - NEXTWAVE Festival"(Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia).



▶ 日時:2012年10月14日(日) 16:00-17:30
▶ ゲスト:鷲田めるろ(金沢21世紀美術館キュレーター)
▶ 参加費:1,000円( 1ドリンク付)
▶ 場所:3331 Arts Chiyoda 1階 コミュニティスペース
▶ お申し込み:右記URLよりお申し込みください。http://artsfield.jp/lecture/000270.html

▶ オープニングパーティ=18:00より/作家を囲んでささやかなパーティを行ないます。

An opening talk to be held by Mitsunori Sakano in conversation with special guest Meruro Washida. Here the discussion will examine the art projects of Tsurugi, the passing down and transformation of its traditional arts, and the production process behind the work in this exhibition while also considering the possibilities of moving image. Following the talk, a small opening party will be held.

▶ Date: 14th October (Sun) 16:00-17:30
▶ Guest: Meruro Washida (Curator of 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa)
▶ Admission: 1000 yen (includes 1 drink)


会場:3331 Arts Chiyoda 1階メインギャラリーB
主催:3331 Arts Chiyoda/協賛:エプソン販売株式会社東リ株式会社/特別機材協力:GENELEC(オタリテック株式会社)


VISIBLE BREATH Mitsunori Sakano Solo-Exhibition
Period: 14th October (Sun) - 4th November (Sun) 2012
Hours: 12:00-19:00
Closed: Tuesdays
Venue: 1F Main Gallery B
Admission: Free
Organizer: 3331 Arts Chiyoda/Sponsor: Epson Sales Japan Corp., TOLI Corporation/Equipment Support: GENELEC(OTARITEC Corporation)

Cast: Yasuhide Akimoto,Ami Hachiya,Chieko Misaka,Hakuji Muranishi,Fujimaru Kawai
Supported by Canon Marketing Japan Inc.


3331 Arts Chiyoda | アーツ千代田 3331
〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田6丁目11-14

3331 Arts Chiyoda
6-11-14 Sotokanda Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 101-0021